GluonAR: a Deep Learning Toolkit for Audio Recognition

Gluon Audio is a toolkit providing deep learning based audio recognition algorithm. The project is still under development, and only Chinese introduction will be provided.

GluonAR Introduction:

GluonAR is based on MXnet-Gluon, if you are new to it, please check out dmlc 60-minute crash course.

虽然名字叫GluonAR, 但是目前以及可以预见的时间内只有Text-Independent Speaker Recognition的内容.

  • 使用ffmpeg的pythonic binding avlibrosa做audio数据读取
  • 模块支持Hybridize(). forward阶段不使用pysound, librosa, scipy, 效率更高, 提供快速训练和end-to-end部署的能力, 包括:
    • 基于nd.contrib.fft的短时傅里叶变换(STFTBlock)和z-score block, 相比使用numpy和scipy预处理后载入GPU训练效率提高12%.
    • MelSpectrogram, DCT1D, MFCC, PowerToDB
    • 1808.00158中提出的SincBlock
  • gluon风格的VOX数据集载入
  • 类似人脸验证的Speaker Verification
  • 使用频谱图训练声纹特征的例子, 在VOX1上的1:1验证acc: 0.941152+-0.004926


import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
import librosa as rosa
from gluonar.utils.viz import view_spec
from gluonar.nn.basic_blocks import STFTBlock

data = rosa.load(r"resources/speaker_recognition/speaker0_0.m4a", sr=16000)[0][:35840]
nd_data = mx.nd.array([data], ctx=mx.gpu())

stft = STFTBlock(35840, hop_length=160, win_length=400)

# stft block forward
ret = stft(nd_data).asnumpy()[0][0]
spec = np.transpose(ret, (1, 0)) ** 2

# stft in librosa
spec = rosa.stft(data, hop_length=160, win_length=400, window="hamming")
spec = np.abs(spec) ** 2


STFTBlock STFT in librosa
img1 img2
